Sonic Boom 2023 – Ensemble-in-Residence Call for Scores

Time: 11:59am PST
Date: 2023 Feb 01

Vancouver Pro Musica Presents

Turning Point Ensemble (TPE)

Ensemble-in-Residence for Sonic Boom 2023

Call for Scores (updated)


Vancouver Pro Musica is pleased to invite all BC composers to submit new works to be presented as part of the 2023 Sonic Boom Festival’s Composition Development Sessions co-led by TPE on March 15 and 19, 2023.

Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, February 1, 2023 at 11:59pm.

We are accepting two categories of scores instrumented for TPE (see Application Guidelines below):

  1. Short readings: pieces that are a maximum of 3 minutes in duration. These can be a) short pieces or b) excerpts from longer works.
  2. Long readings: pieces that are a maximum of 8 minutes in duration. These must be complete works.

TPE, in collaboration with Jennifer Butler, our Sonic Boom 2023 Composer-in-Residence, will read and provide feedback to composers on their submitted works during one of three scheduled Composition Development Sessions. If time allows, all valid submissions will be read.

In the event that more submissions are received than can be read, submitted scores will be first come, first served. Any additional scores received after the limit is reached will be put on a waitlist. Composers submitting more than one piece will have their first submission prioritized to maximize the number of composers having pieces (or parts of pieces) read. If there is time, we will endeavour to accommodate a composer’s additional submissions to be read. Although submissions will not be formally adjudicated, the TPE Conductor, Owen Underhill, TPE Director of Outreach, Jeremy Berkman and VPM Sonic Boom 2023 Composer-in-Residence, Jennifer Butler will review all submissions to create the reading list order and waitlist order. Composers, please note that reading time is limited. Neither TPE nor VPM can guarantee that all submitted pieces/sketches (or all of each piece/sketch) can be read, although we will endeavour to do as many as is feasible. VPM will refund composers with pieces that are unable to be read or waitlisted at the end of the Festival.

Selected works will be read in one of three Composition Development Sessions held as follows

  • 6:00-9:00 pm Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at the Roundhouse Performance Centre (181 Roundhouse Mews, Vancouver, BC);
  • 1:00-4:00 pm Sunday, March 19, 2023 at the Annex Theatre (823 Seymour St, Vancouver, BC);
  • 6:00-9:00 pm Sunday, March 19, 2023 at the Annex Theatre (823 Seymour St, Vancouver, BC);

Reading sessions are open to the public, will be live-streamed, and composers will receive an archive recording of their portion of the reading session.

About Turning Point Ensemble

Founded in 2002 by its musician members, Turning Point Ensemble (TPE) is a large chamber ensemble (16 instrumentalists and conductor) based in Vancouver B.C. with a mandate to increase the understanding and appreciation of music composed during the past hundred years. The ensemble has built a strong reputation for outstanding musicianship and linking seminal 20th century repertoire to contemporary works through thoughtful programming and innovative presentations. Uniquely and flexibly sized between a small chamber ensemble and a symphonic orchestra, TPE presentations offer a symphonic palette with a chamber music sensibility. In addition to its concerts, tours and recordings, the ensemble has regularly mounted innovative interdisciplinary productions including operas, and collaborations with dance, theatre, visual art and moving image.

For more information about Turning Point Ensemble visit

Application Guidelines

We welcome submissions from BC composers of all styles and genres. To submit a score to the Composition Development Sessions, complete the online form at the bottom of this page. Payment may be made through Paypal, or by cheque mailed separately. Only submission forms completed through this website will be considered.


Turning Point Ensemble is a 15 player conducted ensemble consisting of 4 families of orchestral instruments. Except where noted, each instrument is represented by a single player:

Woodwinds: flute/alto flute/piccolo, oboe/English horn, clarinet/bass clarinet, bassoon

Brass: trumpet, french horn, trombone

Strings: violins (2), viola, cello, double bass

Percussion: pianoforte, harp, percussion ( please see this link [*updated*] to view the permitted list of percussion, with the legend and layout[*updated*].


Submissions must be scored for an ensemble of 6 (minimum) to the full 15 instruments in the ensemble (see below; preferred). Your submission must include a score for a piece no more than 8 minutes in length scored for 6-15 instruments. Pieces for less than 6 instruments & pieces requiring electronics will not be considered.

Submissions are either for the short (up to 3 mins.) or long (up to 8 mins.) readings. Note that while composers may submit more than one piece, only one piece per composer will be selected for the sessions.

Parts will only be required for pieces that have been selected (see Important Dates below).

All submissions must also meet the following requirements:

  • Submitting composers must be residents of BC.
  • Submissions must be received by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, February 1, 2023 
  • Accompanied by cash or cheque sent by mail. The fee for submission is $18.
  • Works must have been composed within the past three years.
  • Works must not have been previously performed at a Vancouver Pro Musica concert.
  • Composers are strongly encouraged to have attended at least one (and preferably all) of the Fall Orchestration Workshops
  • Composers will be expected to attend the Composition Development Session in which their work is considered. A schedule will be provided a few days prior to the session;

Submissions must include:

  • The composer’s name, address, and e-mail address.
  • Application fee ($18). Payment can be made via Paypal or cheque by mail. Please make cheques payable to:
    • Vancouver Pro Musica Society
      PO Box 78077 RPO Grandview
      Vancouver, BC V5N 5W1
  • Two copies of the score. One copy of the score should be anonymous, for adjudication of submissions. (Please read How to Prepare an Anonymized Score PDF)

Announcement and Presentation of Works Selected

Vancouver Pro Musica will contact all the submitters by Monday, February 13, 2023. This event is intended to be as inclusive as possible. However, the number of submissions, potential production costs, time constraints, and other practical concerns may require that not all submitters will have a work selected.  These considerations may not permit all submissions to be included in the Composition Development Sessions.

Composers selected for the Composition Development Sessions must be ready to provide all required performance materials including parts. Those whose works are part of the Sessions will receive a recording of their portion of the session for learning, and non-commercial purposes.

All composers who submit—regardless of whether or not their piece is selected as part of the Sessions—automatically become members in good standing of Vancouver Pro Musica, exempt from membership dues for one year.

Important Dates

  • Wednesday, February 1 2023 at 11:59pm: Score submission deadline.
  • Monday, February 13, 2022: Submitters notified of selection results (if selection is needed).
  • Wednesday, March 1, 2023: Parts for selected pieces distributed to TPE
  • Composition Development Session dates:
    • 6:00-9:00 pm Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at the Roundhouse Performance Centre (181 Roundhouse Mews, Vancouver, BC);
    • 1:00-4:00 pm Sunday, March 19, 2023 at the Annex Theatre (823 Seymour St, Vancouver, BC);
    • 6:00-9:00 pm Sunday, March 19, 2023 at the Annex Theatre (823 Seymour St, Vancouver, BC)

Submission Form