Posts Categorized: Uncategorized

We are hiring!

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We are looking for a part-time Administrator. Applications are due on Friday, May 26. Please see for complete job description.

Sonic Boom 2023 – Notes on Writing for Soprano & Piano

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Special Thanks to Dory Hayley and Michael Park  for holding a workshop for composers on Sunday, October 16 at 2:00pm at the Vancouver Academy of Music. Here is some additional information from Dory and Michael to assist you in writing your pieces. Handout – Writing for Soprano – HAYLEY SB 2023 Handout – Writing for Read More

How to Prepare an Anonymized Score

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Here is some useful information to assist you in preparing an anonymized score. How to Prepare an Anonymized Score Written by Michael Ducharme and distributed with his permission

Sonic Boom 2022 – Dr. Valerie Whitney – Notes on writing for Horn

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Special Thanks to Dr. Valerie Whitney for holding an online workshop for the composers on Sunday, October 17. And here’s some additional information from Valerie to assist you in writing your pieces. (by Dr. Whitney and distributed with her permission) Sonice Boom Presentation Examples: Vitaly Buyanovsky Espana (2) Salonen Concert Etude

Sonic Boom 2022 – Notes on writing for flute

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Special Thanks to Mark McGregor and Adrian Verdejo for holding an online workshop for composers on Sunday, October 17 at 12:30pm. Here is some additional information from Mark Takeshi McGregor to assist you in writing your pieces. Extended Techniques for the Flute