Pro Musica News

Sonic Boom 2021: Notes on writing for organ and trombone

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Our Sonic Boom 2021 Featured Artists Angelique Po and Jeremy Berkman are giving a workshop on Sunday, November 15 at 3pm via zoom. Email us at [email protected] by 9am on Sunday, November 15 for the link.

Here are two useful information sheets from Angelique and Jeremy to assist you in writing your pieces.

Writing for the organ


A Little Further Series 2020: Notes on writing for bass clarinet & basset horn

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July 6, 2020

Liam Hockley presented a zoom workshop on writing for bass clarinet & basset horn this past Sunday in preparation for the deadline for the call for scores for A Little Futher Series: Miniatures

The notes are available here.

(Written by Liam Hockley and distributed with his permission)

Sonic Boom 2020 Ensemble-in-Residence Pacific Baroque Orchestra Harpsichord and Organ Info

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Planning to write a piece to submit to the call for scores for the Sonic Boom 2019 Ensemble-in-Residence Pacific Baroque Orchestra? Here is some information on the Chamber Organ and Harpsichord:

Chamber Organ
By Hellmuth Wolff & Associées, Laval, Quebec, 2001

Bourdon                 8′       bass & treble       treble
Flûtes à cheminée 4′       bass                     bass & treble
Petit Bourdon         2′       bass                    bass & treble
Nazard                   2 2/3′ treble
Sesquialtera          2 2/3′ treble

Transposable keyboard, compass C – d’’’
Variable temperaments; pitches at a= 382 / 415 / 440 / 485 Hz

Edward Turner French Double: 

After the 1769 Taskin in the Russell Collection in Edinburgh. Beautifully resonant instrument. F=ff”’ at A=415. Keyboard shifts to
A=392 and A=440. 8′, 8′, 4′, buff rails for both 8’s. Keys are slightly wider than might
be expected.

Congratulations to Glenn Sutherland

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 “Glenn Sutherland Announced Winner of CMC Prairie Region Emerging Composer Competition”

 We are pleased to share the news that Glenn Sutherland, is the winner of the 13th annual CMC Prairie Region Emerging Composer Competition, 2016. The jury was Alexander Mickelthwate, Music Director, Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra; Meredith Johnson, Principal Bass, Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra; and Sid Robinovitch, Associate Composer, Canadian Music Centre who adjudicated submissions anonymously. Sutherland will have his orchestral work,To See Again with Spirit Eyes, performed at “Back to the Future: World Premieres from Canada” on Tuesday, January 26, 2016 by the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra. “

For more information click on HERE

Congratulations to Anthony Dunlop

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Congratulations to Vancouver-based graphic designer Anthony Dunlop for his winning Electroacoustic Festival 2015 poster design, and for becoming our new Graphic Artist-in-Residence this concert season! Check out his website to see examples of his past work: We’re looking forward to working with Anthony this year and seeing his designs for our upcoming concerts.

Highway 1: A Success Story

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We have wrapped up our first ever concert event outside of the Lower Mainland, the aptly named Highway 1 concert, and are very pleased to say that it was a successful venture! (more…)

Welcome To Our New Website!

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We are proud to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website.  On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, welcome!  Here are some new features to check out:

  • Updated navigation and search functions, making it easy to find the information you want.
  • Optimized for viewing on multiple devices – PC, iPhone, tablet, or Android you have the same experience.
  • Upcoming Events page with search filters for event type.
  • Call For Scores page for quick and easy access to information on all our active calls for scores.
  • Online submissions for all future calls for scores.

We hope you enjoy our new website.  Please, take a moment and look around.